There are already several tips on the CN Tower, so I will keep it short.
It is the world's tallest free standing structure and it is quite impressive.
I would suggest going an hour or so before sunset (don't forget to take into account the time you have to wait for the ticket) so you can enjoy the view night and day. We got there just as the sun was setting and could still see the orange clouds.
However, if you intend to take pictures, they are not going to come out great as there are safety nets/fences on the observation deck. You can take them from the inside, but with the thick (and dirty) glass they will not look perfect. At night it is even more difficult as there is a lot of light inside. So you should really go for the view.
Of course, there is the famous glass floor, which was not as impressive as I though it would be, maybe because it was starting to get dark or perhaps just because I was expecting more of it.
I was told that the Sky Pod is not worth the extra money (and waiting time) so we didn't go all the way up.
Obviously, try to go on a clear day. Being up there with bad visibility will surely make it a less enjoyable experience.
If possible, get the ticket at your Hotel, they will usually also give you a discount.
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